correction of forwardly placed jaw

Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy

Jaw Deformity Surgery: What You Need to Know

Have you ever suffered from chronic and agonizing pain in the upper or lower jaw of your mouth? Do you find it extremely difficult to chew or speak fluently? Are you concerned about the abnormal alignment of your face?

If you’ve answered in the affirmative to any of these questions, then you might need a jaw deformity surgery. In this blog post, we’ve tried to provide accurate responses to the most common questions about jaw correction surgery.

What is Jaw Correction Surgery?

Corrective jaw surgery, alternatively referred to as “Orthognathic surgery“, is aimed at correcting the misalignment of the teeth and jaw, specifically for cases in which orthodontic treatment doesn’t work.

In this surgical procedure, we repair and reposition severe irregularities between the lower and upper jaw thus, enabling an environment for teeth to bite together accurately. Individuals who undergo corrective jaw surgery also enjoy the benefits of improved functionality of the jaw points. Apart from that, it also helps to enhance facial appearance and strengthen facial muscles.

Who NeedS this Surgery?

Not all jaw deformities can be treated with traditional orthodontic treatment options. This is because orthodontic treatment is usually aimed at correcting bite problems caused as a result of tooth misalignment. Jaw surgery, on the other hand, helps to repair and reposition the imbalances and discrepancies in the jaw.

Just because you have a crooked teeth doesn’t mean that you need a corrective jaw surgery. But if you also suffer from improper jaw alignment, then this is the best option for you. People suffering from speech problems, chronic mouth breathing, sleep apnea, difficulties in chewing, swallowing, and biting, and receding chin, may also be a good candidate for “Jaw Deformity Surgery.”

Need an Expert to Handle Your Jaw Deformity Surgery: Schedule a Consultation With Richardson!

Skeletal imbalances in the jaw could be due to several reasons like different rates of growth of the upper and lower jaw, congenital disabilities, traumatic facial injuries, etc.

Schedule a visit to our orthodontist to find out if you require a jaw reconstructive surgery or not. If jaw surgery is the best option for you, our skilled oral surgeon will perform series of surgical procedures to reposition and repair your chin and jaw thus enhancing your ability to speak, chew, and breathe.

jaw deformity surgery in tamilnadu
Before-after-jaw-surgery of the FJP .

Get an appointment to consult our doctor Sunil Richardson for jaw deformity surgery at Richardson Dental and Craniofacial Hospital in India.


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