Cleft Lip revision (Secondary lip surgery)
Secondary cleft lip revision surgery
Very often at Richardsons dental and craniofacial Hospital, we get patients whose cleft lip surgery was done elsewhere and who are dissatisfied with the way their cleft lip scar looks once they grow older. This usually happens when their primary cleft lip surgery is done imperfectly, and the proper anatomy of the lip is not established. It is when then lip revision is done for better results.

This results in discrepancies and mismatched white roll, red line, Vermillion, notched lip, unsightly scar, etc. Secondary lip surgeries are done by our expert cleft team headed by Dr.Sunil Richardson who meticulously redrapes the tissues of the lip to give back to the patient a smile as close as normal.
Mahitha a 23-year-old came to us with a similar complaint saying her cleft lip scar was unsightly and made her feel conscious. On examination we found that the lip was notched, Whitehall was not matched, lip length was skewed and cupids bow was deformed. Her cleft lip scar was corrected surgically and Mahitha left happily after two days with perfectly symmetrical lip outline. No scar was visible after suture removal.