Comminuted Mandibular Fracture Treatment in India

Comminuted Mandibular Fracture Reduction Like A Jigsaw Puzzle

Road accidents could lead to nightmarish facial fractures. After sustaining one such accident, a male patient below 30 years of age, visited the Richardsons Dental and Craniofacial Hospital, Nagercoil. He visited us a couple of days after the accident and was stable. However, he was in extreme pain and unable to open his mouth with the backset chin.

After examining, Dr. Sunil Richardson, an esteemed oral and maxillofacial surgeon in India, noticed extra oral sutures that were probably made to stop bleeding from the laceration on the chin. Some of the other intraoral observations were: a few wirings for the purpose of dentoalveolar fixation, a puncture in lower lip because of a hit from the upper front tooth, retruded or descended chin.

facial trauma treatment

Without any further delay, we did a Cone Beam Computed Tomography imaging (CBCT)  to visualize the aftermath of the trauma. Through the CBCT, we noticed comminuted fractures in his lower jaw bone or mandible. One segment of the fracture was close to the mental nerve, the lower border segment of the mandible has recessed inwardly because of the muscle pull. On the whole, he had a comminuted symphysis fracture of the mandible.

Facial Trauma Treatment Procedures :

We planned an open reduction with internal fixation under general anesthesia . His dental occlusion was reasonably good. We then reduced the fractured segments carefully, one after the other as if solving a jigsaw puzzle. We then pulled forward and fixed the retruded lower border of the mandible – the part that completes the chin.
Using titanium plates and screws, we reduced and fixed approximately 6 to 7 segments of the fractured bone.

We debrided and securely sutured the punctured wound on his lower lip. To reduce scarring, we precisely re-sutured the laceration in the chin. In a healthy individual. the bone usually heals within 4 to 6 weeks.

Dr. Sunil Richardson has numerous such successful surgeries to his credit. We at Richardsons Dental & Craniofacial Hospital, assist to

“Accept the unexpected”.


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