Hemangioma on The Nose
A young patient from Malappuram, Kerala came to us for help with Hemangioma. He had been living with the condition since birth; the hemangioma had spread from the nose to the lip and a little on the cheek as well. The patient underwent 3 different surgeries elsewhere in Kerala, yet his condition did not subside. Dejected, the patient consulted Dr. Sunil Richardson by watching his videos on YouTube.
The patient arrived here in June for initial consultation; we scheduled an excision surgery in the first week of July. The surgeries was successful and we called him for his first review.
After a week, the patient was called in for the first review. Dr. Sunil Richardson removed the sutures to examined the suture area. The swelling hadn’t subsided, but the Hemangioma had receded. We scheduled the patient for a 2nd review in six months.

What Is Hemangioma?
Hemangioma is usually treated by many methods. One such treatment is the Excision Surgery which has higher chances of success. Hemangioma is nothing but an abnormal proliferation of blood vessels in one area of the body. On the onset of Hemangioma, we usually panic that they may leave a permanent scar after surgery. However, the Hemangioma excision surgery was done here at Richardsons Dental and Craniofacial Hospital by our Surgeon Dr. Sunil Richardson is of high precision.
Dr. Richardson has handled numerous cases as such on hemangioma treatment all with 100 percent success rate. The Richardsons dental and craniofacial hospital is well equipped with its own expert team of surgeons, anesthetists well versed with handling pathologies. Since Hemangiomas are vascular tumors, the risk of blood loss is a possibility, but, in the experienced hands of our surgeons, you don’t have to worry.
For any such hemangioma conditions, do contact us @ richardsonshospital@gmail.com or +914652 228056.
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Email: drsunilrichardson@hotamil.com
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